Danny Delgado


Location: California, United States

Occupation: Teacher/coach

Teaching young men that is never okay to resort to violence when frustrated and to confront misoginistic and sexist comments on Social Media

Rich Amestoy

Location: California, United States

Respect ALL women and support those committed to women’s rights and equality.

Rev. Robert T. Fuentes


Location: California, United States

Occupation: bishop

to preach and teach that it is never morally right to engage in violence.

Chris Borkent

Location: California, United States

Never turning a blind eye to any violence I see and by teaching any males in my life that violence is never the answer.

Kathryn Walker

Location: California, United States

Occupation: Administrator

reminding men and women that violence is never an acceptable answer.


Location: California, United States

I ring this bell for all my siblings…and to myself for surviving this from my first husband. I have 3 boys. And I want to ring this for them

Eben Brooks


Location: California, United States

Occupation: Musician

ALWAYS standing up against sexist behavior, whether it be co-workers, friends, family, or the businesses I patronize.

Eric Fode

Location: California, United States

To Respect woman people.

Jack Herrington

Location: California, United States

Occupation: Software Engineer

Helping to end violence against women however I can.

Rick Reed


Location: California, United States

being peaceful and loving in my home and beyond.