Yannick Freve

Location: Canada

Occupation: Teacher

teaching all those around me the importance to treat all others with respect regardless of sex, orientation or racial background.

Dia Matteson


Location: California, United States

Occupation: Mentor Coach

mentoring women to stand up for themselves and their families…

pete seal

Location: United Kingdom

Occupation: lecturer

spreading the word

Danny Delgado


Location: California, United States

Occupation: Teacher/coach

Teaching young men that is never okay to resort to violence when frustrated and to confront misoginistic and sexist comments on Social Media

Owen Shepherd

Location: Australia

Occupation: Teacher

being an active leader in my community on how to treat women respectfully and fairly.

Stuart Chen-Hayes

Location: New Jersey, United States

Occupation: Professor of School Counselor Education

Teaching my son & my male school counseling graduate students anti-violence skills as allies for women/girls in every school, every family

Már Ingólfur Másson

Location: Iceland

Occupation: Teacher

educating my students, and teaching them that violence is never the answer.

Mike Maes

Location: Colorado, United States

Occupation: teacher

teaching my students that violence is never an option in a relationship and the importance of treating women with dignity and respect.

Chris Gilbertson

Location: Oregon, United States

Occupation: ESL Teacher

teaching my students, who hail from many different cultures, that males never have the right to control/dominate females in any circumstance

Brandon Naylor

Location: Kansas, United States

Occupation: Higher Education

ending the plague of ignorance. I won’t allow those around me to perpetuate the notion that VAW is an unspoken and accepted norm.