Janne Nordstedt


Location: Sweden

Occupation: Senior Advisor SRHR

To continue my work for comprehensive sexuality edu., gender equality & LGBTI-rights. And against all forms of discrimination & violence!

Travis Jones

Location: Maine, United States

Occupation: Student

Initiating conversations with other men about respecting women

Steven Lacey


Location: South Carolina, United States

Occupation: Writer

never apologizing, making excuses, or empowering victimizers with my silence.

Vic Lundrigan

Location: Canada

Occupation: Social Worker

Speaking out about violence towards women whenever an opportunity to do so presents itself.

Dustin Stephen Daugherty

Location: Colorado, United States

Occupation: Game Designer

Speaking to those I know on the matter, discussing it with colleagues and friends, challenging the problem online and off. Enough is enough.

Chris McDaniel


Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: entertainer

Challenging those who disrespect women in public, private, or on the internet and pointing out toxic male attitudes when encountered.

Dwayne Klassen


Location: Canada

Occupation: Global Game Changer

Inspire and challenge men to play a bigger game in this world and be champions to women, heroes to children and brothers to each other.

Mack Stanley

Location: Oregon, United States

teaching my son that Real Men respect all women, and to lead by example. And to greet disrespect with shame and ridicule.

Steven Taylor


Location: Australia

Occupation: Archtect

embodying equality, maintaining dialogue, challenging violence everywhere.

David Demers


Location: Washington, United States

Occupation: Customer Service Agent

Intellectually confronting anyone who passivley or activley promotes violence against women. Furthermore to stop any act of violence I see.