
Location: New York, United States

by speaking up against injustice, unfairness and prejudices against victims and convincing people around me to do the same.

chandni shah

Location: India

Occupation: Student

doing whatever that is possible and whatever that is in my hands to bring about equality among the try my best to make it possible



Location: India

Occupation: Self-employed

making people believe that women are human beings too.

Lucia Molina Pflaum


Location: United Kingdom

Occupation: Media student

Using all the skills I have to help create a world where all men and women live equal.

David Chambers


Location: Illinois, United States

Occupation: Legal

example, preventing with compassion, intervening with soul strength, defending universal equality in my daily thoughts and actions.

Rei Matsuura

Location: Japan

Treat all friends and coworkers with equal respect, no matter their gender identity or beliefs.

Jim Gorycki

Location: Florida, United States

Occupation: IT

Treating everyone equally and with respect, and to resolve differences without violence.