Neil Ghosh


Location: Maryland, United States

Occupation: Executive Director, SNV USA

by speaking out against violence against women also help increase awareness of this very important issue among our future generation.

Gavin Corkett

Location: Maryland, United States

Occupation: Kid

Stating the 1,000,000 Young Man Pleade to be the change… Working with the One Love Foundation to start the seach of 1 million boys 13/23



Location: Maryland, United States

Occupation: other

By sharing this via blogs and FB and other social media sites and in whatever groups I’m connected with.

Holly Romans


Location: Maryland, United States

Occupation: Student

Spreading awareness to not only my community, but to myself as well. I should know that I deserve the best; everyone should know that.

Demetrius O’Daniels

Location: Maryland, United States

Interjecting upon any acts of violence towards women or children I may come across in my day to day life.

Andrew Reinel

Location: Maryland, United States

Spreading a sense of respect towards women.

Scott Tiffin

Location: Maryland, United States

By never turning my back on a woman in need and by doing my best to educate other men in my life.

Edward Zeauskas

Location: Maryland, United States

Occupation: Student

I promise to Ring the Bell by changing the patterns of thought, and normative roles portrayed by men and women.

Arline Pacht

Location: Maryland, United States

Occupation: labor and employment law arbitrator

continuing my work with the International and National Association of Women Judges, organizations .

Stephen K

Location: Maryland, United States

Teaching kids who look up to me that strong men respect women—and walk the talk. And challenge those who disrespect women.