Hanna Savig

Location: Minnesota, United States

Occupation: Student

Encouraging my male classmates to stand up against gender-based violence and by working with the UniTE campaign on global outreach.

Jonathan Hamlin


Location: Minnesota, United States

Occupation: Customer Service

Being a voice for those who are afraid or unable to speak out. Violence can shame its victims to silence. Speak up and make a difference!

Lynne Warfel


Location: Minnesota, United States

Occupation: radio host

Not keeping quiet about abuse. As a survivor, I can tell you, most folks don’t want to hear what you have to say.

Patricia Palmerton


Location: Minnesota, United States

Occupation: university professor

using my voice to help others, and to raise awareness of how abuse works.

Dave Kunst


Location: Minnesota, United States

To speak out for our mothers, sisters, daughters and lovers. Give them the respect they deserve. End violence against women. #RingtheBell

Ted Page

Location: Minnesota, United States

Occupation: Social worker

Calling out men who speak disparagingly towards women, words of violence hurt the heart and soul. Stop verbal attacks.

Michael Fliger

Location: Minnesota, United States

I commit to help in the education of adult men and boys. That violence whether physical, sexual, or mental is never permitted.

Derek Larson

Location: Minnesota, United States

Occupation: Professor

Raising my daughters to support men who support women, and being a roll model for young men as well.

Sarah Kelly

Location: Minnesota, United States

Teaching my son, through actions and words, that women and girls are equals.

Neal Pederson

Location: Minnesota, United States

Occupation: Police Officer

teaching my son to respect women and to stand up when they are being abused.