Michael Tuchman

Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Occupation: Statistician

Helping myself and my sons to identify emotional precursors to violence, enabling boys to take action to reduce conflict more peacefully.

Dr. Les A. Mack, DVM


Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Occupation: Veterinarian

I promise to fight violence against women at every opportunity

Steve Hogue

Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Teaching my sons how to treat a woman and teaching my daughter how she should be treated.


Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I don’t like the violence against women, so I promise.

Edward Sader

Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Continuing to stand between those who abuse and those who are abused.

Jennifer James Abdelfattah


Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Occupation: homemaker

teach girls to have self respect and not accept disrespectful behaviour from anyone.

William John Dovensky


Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Occupation: Teacher/Education Consultant

I will volunteer and participate in local, national, and international Ring the Bell events.

Steve Maranian


Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Occupation: Soldier

establishing a climate in my workplace that does not tolerate violence against women.

Neil Ackerman

Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Occupation: sales

teaching my kids to never act violently against women, including the most violent act of all-the act of abortion, which kills too many girls

Juan de la Pena

Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Challenge friends or internet commenters who disrespect women or girls.