Aaron Kudamik


Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: Information Security Engineer

providing a positive example and teaching kids who look up to me that strong men respect women and walk the talk.

victor villarreal

Location: Texas, United States

Stopping by physical or verbal means the abuse of women where I see it happening. a real man in the 21st century does not harm women.

Chris McDaniel


Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: entertainer

Challenging those who disrespect women in public, private, or on the internet and pointing out toxic male attitudes when encountered.

Jackson Bockus

Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: Student

Confronting misogyny wherever I see it.

The Family Place BE Project

Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: Youth Education & Leadership Program

Empowering youth in Dallas, TX with the tools to be part of the solution to end violence against women.

Tony Sanders

Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: Programmer

educating my son and standing up for women online and offline

Benjamin Schwartz

Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: Nurse

Teaching other men to respect women

Andy Rose

Location: Texas, United States

teaching my son that strong men respect women and never allowing my daughters to be victimized by a man under any circumstance.

Clayton Lust


Location: Texas, United States

Occupation: educator

teaching respect for women, challenging disrespect, and donating my time and efforts to women’s safety

Terry S

Location: Texas, United States

Speaking my mind and/or taking some form of action, when I witness any type of disrespect toward a woman.