Preston Everett Jurinak

Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: Student

Continuing my role in teaching my children acceptable behavior towards their families. By continuing to support anyone who needs this help.

Christopher David Ekstrom


Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: pizzamaker

Being There For My Pregnant Girlfriend Annette For Our Son On The Way For Them My Sisters My Mother And Female Friends And Family

Brett Merritt

Location: Utah, United States

being an example of non-violence and true communication with women so that my children have an example for their relationships.

James Turner

Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: Disables

Never using violence as a solution to a family issue or problem. I am a child of a violent birth father who left my family when I was 5.

David Habben


Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: Illustrator

treating all the women in my life with respect and dignity and raising my daughter to expect that of the men in her life.

Anthony Porter

Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: Computer support tech

never allowing violence or intimidation to women without attempting to make a difference.

Michael Hallberg


Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: Artist

To challenge the notions of gender in art, life & spirit…


Location: Utah, United States

Sharing this with a friend.

Kelly May

Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: Engineer

Continuing to be strong in my commitment not to follow the example of my father….And to stand in aid of those I see wronged by violence…

Ben Brown

Location: Utah, United States

Occupation: Teacher

Challenging friends or internet commenters who disrespect women or girls.