Vaughn Wollney


Location: Louisiana, United States

Stand up to slut-shaming and rape jokes, including those made casually by friends, to let them know that this is not okay. #RingtheBell

Ilan Cuperstein

Location: Brazil

respect women as they should be respected as citizens with full and equal rights and to question sexist attitudes in society and myself.

Carlo Alcos

Location: Canada

Occupation: Editor

raising awareness of the inherent misogynistic culture in our society via my internet influence, and calling out detrimental language.

Colin Perkins

Location: Canada

Well, I’m a small time writer and my stories often have strong female leads as well as gay characters. I self publish these stories for all.

Andrew Lopata


Location: Oregon, United States

Occupation: attorney

calling out and criticizing rape culture when I encounter it.


Location: Belgium

Occupation: historian

challenge all the everyday assumptions people make that support sexism, the root of violence against women.

David Lucas

Location: Australia

Occupation: Engineer

I will never commit, accept or remain silent about violence against women. Rape culture and victim blaming must end with us all.

Bob Evans

Location: California, United States

Teaching against misogyny, promoting sites & films like “ts a girl “and” all girls allowed”, challenging commrentators(men or women)

Evan Grae Davis


Location: Arizona, United States

Occupation: Documentary Filmmaker

I am ringing the bell by producing a documentary film on female genocide in India and China and hoping to start a movement to end gendercide

John M. Yarwood

Location: New York, United States

Occupation: Attorney

I promise to spread the word. I will step in when I witness or suspect violence. I will not tolerate misogynistic speech, including jokes.