

Location: New York, United States

Occupation: Social Work Student

Raising awareness of the prevalence of violence against women and educating people about the effects of gender inequality.

Fabiola Martinez


Location: California, United States

Occupation: Human Rights

helping every women to recognize they are valuable human beings, worth enough to understand that they must be respected as women.

Scott Lockett

Location: Ohio, United States

Fight hatred, discrimination and violence against women!

Samuel Gau


Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Occupation: Student

encouraging others to stand up for the rights of all people regardless of gender, race, religion, or creed.

Pelle Lutken


Location: New York, United States

standing up for women’s security as an inalienable universal right irrespective of circumstance, culture, age or tradition.

Calista ukwuoma

Location: Ohio, United States

Occupation: student

In all my actions and dealings, I create every opportunity to encourage men to treat women with equal respect. Every form of abuse is not ac

Dr Elizabeth Evenden


Location: Massachusetts, United States

Occupation: University Lecturer

providing students with the skills to articulate their rights when they take stand against gender inequality & violence within our society.

Niloy Banerjee

Location: New York, United States

Occupation: UN Staff member

Interrupt violence by causing a distraction or finding an excuse to ring the doorbell

Andrew Russell


Location: New York, United States

Occupation: UN Development Coordinator, Kosovo

Educate myself & talk about the impact of violence against women and support our UN partners in Kosovo working to end gender-based violence.

Jamshed Kazi

Location: New York, United States

Challenging those who disrespect women or girls; friends, family, colleagues, anybody.